LogMeIn Hamachi

Ever wanted to access files on your home computer from work? Wish you could host a online game with your buddies, but hate the hassle of dealing with routers and firewalls? Desire a little more security in your web-browsing?

LogMeIn Hamachi is a robust tool for establishing VPNs on the go. It provides a simple interface for intermediate and advanced users to build fully encrypted VPNs across the Internet. Available in both free and professional versions, it is easy to use and it looks good too.

The installation was a snap. After following the 5-minute walk through, I had a VPN up and running, allowing me to access my Windows File Sharing and RDP connections immediately.

New Project: Slipstream

I have been recruited to work on a new project called Slipstream. We are still in the design and layout phase, but we have some hard-hitting experts in on the project and there are great ideas kicking around.

Character generation, and rendering engines are slated, the UI is going through some heavy construction, and I am tackling an AI path-finding engine which is approximately 35% complete.

Stay tuned for more on this project as we get our modules up in the repository.

Slipstream: Pathing

I completed the path-finding algorithm today. At its simplest level it is merely a Breadth-First Search on an undirected graph. This has a number of benefits:

With all that said, I am now in the process of rewriting the code. The major pitfall of the engine as it is right now is the lack of support for weighted graphs. To add to the robustness of the path-finding procedure, I am going to implement Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm. This will allow the engine to take into account the difficulties of passing through certain terrains.

Decompilation gets real...scary

Ilfak Guilfanov of DataRescue Inc (the people behind IDA Pro) has posted an entry on his titled Decompilation Gets Real. In it he announces the beta testing of a tool which, when given a binary file, produces accurate and well formatted C code. The immediate consequence of such a tool is the further reduction of the level of knowledge which a would-be hacker must have. Since compilers and assemblers have a distinct optimization fingerprint, it should not be long before automated tools, build from this code regeneration tool, will provide reverse-engineers and crackers with the ability to quickly and efficiently scrub through code for security weaknesses; buffer overflow, format string attacks, and any number of other exploits will be trivial to discover.

The speed and easy in which Guilfanov is able to go through code is what scares me. Take a look at the Decompilation Demo.

Creating a MySQL Data Abstraction Layer in PHP

The goal of this tutorial is to design a Data Abstraction Layer (DAL) in PHP, that will allow us to ignore the intricacies of MySQL and focus our attention on our Application Layer and Business Logic. Hopefully, by the end of this guide, you will have a working DAL and learn a little about PHP, MySQL, and Object-Oriented design in the process.

Converting Videos for the iPod Video

Soon after buying my Video iPod, I wanted to put my massive library of videos onto it, so I could watch them on long trips without carrying along my entire laptop. I wrote a small shell script to perform the mundane task of converting for me, using the free, open-source tool ffmpeg (

Converting Audio Files to Audio Books for the iPod

Back when I first bought my iPod, I needed a way to convert my Audiobook MP3s to M4Bs, the format iPods recognize as Audiobooks. I used ffmpeg ( to accomplish this task.

Fixing the iRiver H10 20GB MP3 Player

I decided to buy a new toy for myself this weekend. The product: iriver's H10 20GB MP3 Player. I arrived at home and charged it up only to turn it on and realize that the blasted thing would not work out of the box. I struggled for three hours searching online, upgrading firmware, and sitting on the phone with tech support, all with the same outcome: a brick which would could not get past a screen which says "BOOT 1.01 MTP Initialize." In frustration I cried out, but unfortunately for me, Staples was closed by the time I decided to return it. In one last-ditch effort, I scoured the interweb and found instructions for getting my $200 paperweight to play music.